Non Religious Dating Sites

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  2. Non Religious Dating Sites Reviews

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When it comes to the best Christian dating sites for over 50, everyone is different. The things you’re looking for in an online dating site might be completely different from the things your best friend or the other people in your small group or Sunday School class are searching for.

And the things you’re looking for in a spouse and the intentionality behind your relationship search probably differs quite a bit from the typical twenty something who is using Tinder (or another mobile-only dating app) for their dating experiences these days. But the again, maybe you are looking for more of a casual dating experience like the apps provide.

We’re not going to insult you by assuming that just because you’re looking for the best Christian dating sites for over 50 that you can fit into the stereotypical mold of a fifty-something Christian. Again, we’re all different.

That’s why we evaluated each of the top 5 sites in our Best Christian Dating Sites list—eharmony,, Christian Mingle, Christian Crush, Christian Café—to let you know how they stack up in a lot of different areas. That way you can decide for yourself which is the best option for you—your personality, your comfort with technology, your pocketbook, your preferences.

Hopefully, you’ll be able to narrow down your options and find the best online dating sites for over 50 that work for you.

Which Site Has the Most Members?

If you’re going to pay money for an online dating site, you’re going to want to know that there are plenty of matches available to you, right? Of course you are. The whole reason for online dating is because you’re not meeting people in real life; the number of members for any given site is important in gauging the potential for success—especially when you consider the majority of the members on many sites won’t be Christian.

Originating in 2000, eharmony has a solid membership base and they claim to make over 15 million matches a day. The marriage-minded 36-65 crowd is considered their core demographic.

The pioneer of online dating, Match, arrived on the scene in 1995. According to research on dating apps conducted by Survey Monkey, Match has the most users in their fifties. Only 12.4% of their users are under 30 years of age.

Christian Mingle is another of the larger sites, with over 9 million registered users in 2016. However, in the aforementioned Survey Monkey dating app research, they found Christian Mingle to have the highest proportion of women users, with 58.6% of their membership base being female.

Christian Café and Christian Crush are smaller niche sites, so while you certainly might find love on those sites, statistically it’s probably going to be harder. Even searching across the United States will only result in a few hundred matches for you on each of them. So if having the largest dating pool possible is most important to you in your search of Christian dating sites for over 50, then you’ll probably be happier with the Big 3—eharmony,, and Christian Mingle.

SingleRoots Recommendation:eharmony,, Christian Mingle

Which Site Is the Simplest to Use?


So there are some of us in the over 50 crowd who struggle with technology. We’ve got email and Facebook running just fine, but when it comes to other software or apps, we’re not super comfortable. It happens. So you’re looking for the Easy Button, the simplest route. We get it.

It’s our opinion that eharmony is the easiest online dating site in our list of Christian online dating sites for over 50. It’s probably because they send you several matches a day (usually 5-7, but it could be less) via email. Each day they’ll send you more matches until they start running lower and then they’ll space them out to every few days or so.

The site is simple: view your matches, talk to them, and a news feed that tells you any activity from your matches since you last logged in. eharmony does offer a “What If?” feature that shows you other matches who are outside of your search criteria but might be of interest to you.

Setting up an eharmony profile can take a little while longer than other online dating sites because they require you to take a personality inventory that can take a good 15-20 minutes, on average, but even that process is simple and practically foolproof.

As far as bells and whistles go, eharmony doesn’t have too many of them. Essentially, eharmony eliminates all of the time you could spend searching through matches like you do on, Christian Mingle, and Christian Café. Those sites give you access to their entire database of members so you can conduct your own search. While many people want the control of searching for their own matches (more on that later), having that much control can make a site feel overwhelming to those who long for simplicity. And that’s not even taking into account the option to wink, smile, like, chat, and more that come with them.

Of the other 4 sites in our Top 5, Christian Crush is the closest to eharmony in ease of use. While you can search the entire Christian Crush database, the site has fewer options to distract or confuse the user. Still, with things like video profiles and the ability to enlarge photos, among other things, Christian Crush isn’t as easy as eharmony.

SingleRoots Recommendation:eharmony

Which Site Is the Best for Finding Christian Matches?

Hear us clearly: Not every site that targets “Christians” is even run by Christians. (We’re looking at you, Christian Mingle.) Not everyone who has a profile on a “Christian” site will be a Christian. Not everyone who claims to be a “Christian” will have the same definition for that term that you have.

However, when you choose a site that has the word “Christian” in the title, there’s an automatic thinning of the playing field. It stands to reason that if you’re dating online, going with a site that is created to attract Christians means you’re going to be starting with people who at least call themselves “Christian.” Cynical people could argue about the wolves in sheep’s clothing on said sites, but we’re a little more optimistic. We think it just means they’re saving us a lot of time. On other non-Christian specific sites, we’d have to wade through tons of non-Christian profiles to get to the “Christian” ones.

Some people don’t mind sorting through profiles because they prefer sites that have a larger pool of numbers, as mentioned earlier. But if you want your starting place to be a field of people who identify themselves as believers, then Christian Mingle, Christian Café, and Christian Crush are good places to start.


Surprisingly, eharmony is a great option as well. Interestingly, when you combine their personality inventory along with restricting your settings to let their algorithm know of the importance of your Christian faith, you’ll find most of the matches sent to you—if not all—are Christian. They wade through the non-Christian profiles for you and send you the ones that are a good fit. It’s the one site that, in our opinion, can still deliver Christian matches even though, it’s not Christian-specific.

SingleRoots Recommendation:eharmony, Christian Mingle, Christian Café, Christian Crush

Which Site Gives Me the Most Control?

Control Freaks unite! You prefer to take care of your own business; you’re the only one who knows what’s best for you, after all.

eharmony doesn’t sound like a good option for you because you’re trusting an algorithm to find your matches instead of your own brain and the click of your own mouse. It’s just not for you. Got it.

Any of the other 4 best Christian dating sites for over 50—, Christian Mingle, Christian Café, and Christian Crush—should satisfy your need to be in control then. They all allow you access to their entire database so you can conduct your searches for matches and then tweak them if you’re not getting the results you want. Only want to date someone with blue eyes who doesn’t smoke and has a graduate degree? Work those settings and find the love of your life. Most of those 4 sites will also send you daily matches to help you out, as well as suggest users to you, much like eharmony’s “What If?” feature.

The learning curve on sites like, Christian Mingle, and Christian Café isn’t super steep, but it’s definitely larger than that of eharmony. But who cares about a learning curve when control is at issue, right? Oh, Control Freaks, we get you. We so get you.

SingleRoots, Christian Mingle, Christian Café, Christian Crush

Which Site Costs the Most/Least?

Numbers, control, simplicity, Christian matches—all of those things are important, but what you want to know is how much it’s going to cost you.

A few things to keep in mind:

Yes, there are free online dating options out there. We often tell the younger generation that you really do get what you pay for, but they don’t believe us. You’ve been around the block a time or two and you get that, so we don’t have to tell you. If wading through non-Christian profiles is time consuming enough, imagine adding a bunch of fake or non-active profiles to the mix. When people put up some money in their online dating experience, the results tend to be matches who are more serious and marriage-minded than when you have free sites filled with a lot of people who are uncommitted.

But what about apps like Tinder, you ask? There are a lot of millennials and Gen Z’ers who are using mobile-only dating apps like Tinder, Hinge, or Coffee Meets Bagel. Keep in mind, though, that those apps are targeting those demographics. So while the occasional Baby Boomer or Gen X’er might find someone on those apps, people in the over 50 crowd are fewer and farther between. And, if they do go on a date, chances are, that’s about all that’s going to occur because mobile-only users tend to be less marriage-minded and more dating/hook-up minded. The traditional online dating sites like eharmony and Match are targeted specifically for the 30+ marriage-minded crowd.

Since most experts recommend at least a 3-month subscription to truly give online dating its fair shake, the good news is that the price of any site will go down, depending on how long you subscribe. A 1-year subscription will usually give you your best savings.

But back to pricing:

Christian Crush is the cheapest. You can pay as little as $9 a month for a 6-month subscription, and if you want one month, it’s around $15. You can get 2 weeks free, if you upload a video to your profile.

You can find monthly prices around $15—sometimes even lower—for longer subscriptions on mid-range sites like, Christian Mingle, and Christian Café. A one-month subscription on them is usually around $35.

Coming in at nearly $60 for a one-month subscription, eharmony is definitely the most expensive, if you don’t have any discount codes. The longer you subscribe, though, the more the monthly price drops, with a one-year subscription usually resulting in as low as $20/month.

SingleRoots Recommendation:Christian Crush

Which Site Has Mobile Options?

More and more people are opting for mobile over desktop these days, so it makes sense that you wouldn’t want an online dating option that didn’t come with a mobile app. After all, most people aren’t going to log into an online dating site from a work computer, so how else are you going to check your matches between 8am and 5pm?

You’ll be pleased to note that all of the best Christian dating sites for over 50 that we recommend, except for Christian Crush, offer mobile apps. So you can have access whether you’re behind your desk, at your teenager’s ballgame, or visiting the grandchildren.

SingleRoots Recommendation:eharmony,, Christian Mingle, Christian Café

Best Christian Dating Sites for Over 50 :: SingleRoots Recommends

When we look back over all of the categories, it’s not surprising that eharmony consistently ranks the highest among the 5 best Christian dating sites for over 50.

Yes, it’s the most expensive, but what we keep hearing from Christians is that it’s the best site for finding other like-minded Christian matches. We hear it when we survey them, but we also hear that when they tell us that they met their spouse on eharmony and got married. (And we hear it over and over and over.)

Non Religious Dating Sites

The good news is that if you do decide to use eharmony or any of the other best online dating sites for over 50, you can check out our coupons below to see if we know of any deals to help you save money. Yeah, you get what you pay for, but we’d still like to save as much as we can while doing so…

Current Online Dating Deals:

Last Updated: 7/13/2021

eharmony (USA Offers):

eharmony (Canada Offers):

eharmony (UK Offers):


Christian Cafe:

Dating Sites For Non Religious People

Best Christian Dating Sites Rankings

Non Religious Dating Sites Reviews

Monthly Price RangeNumber of MembersEase of UseChristian FiltersBest Deal Link

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Tip: How to Get an eharmony Free Trial
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